Andromeda Galaxy
With polar alignment issues keeping sub-exposures down to just 30 seconds, my hopes weren’t too high for a good image. But after stacking and editing, I have to admit I was extremely happy with the final result. With just 1 hour of integration time, I hadn’t expected to record this level of detail. I suspect the position of the galaxy at zenith helped to negate much of the issues with light pollution.
Although not quite up to Hubble’s best, it’s still a huge leap in detail over my past attempt with the 180mm lens.
Image details: Nikon D5500, Tamron-100-400mm-f4.5-6.3 @ 400mm/f8. Total of 60 minutes exposure time (120 x 30 seconds) at iso 800. Tracked with unguided AstroTrac TT320X-AG. Stacked with Deep Sky Stacker. Edited with Starnet++ and Photoshop