Bubble nebula

A short break in the clouds was enough to tempt me outside with a plan to capture the Bubble nebula (NGC 7635) in Cassiopeia. I was only able to capture half an hour of data before the high cloud became too thick to continue. But the final stacked image came out a lot better than I thought, revealing structure in the cosmic bubble.

Beside the bubble sits the open star cluster of M52, the two forming a photogenic duo. The whole bubble nebula region is full of objects. The Lobster Claw nebula and NGC 7538 being the two most prominent, as seen in the full image below.

By chance I also managed to capture the nova Cassiopeiae 2021 in the image. Although much faded from it’s peak brightness, it is still visible if you know where to look!

Image details: Modified Nikon D5500Tamron-100-400mm-f4.5-6.3 @ 400mm/f6.3. Total of 32 minutes exposure time (16 x 120 seconds) at iso 1000. Tracked with unguided AstroTrac TT320X-AG. Stacked with Deep Sky Stacker. Edited with Photoshop and Starnet++

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