Orion Nebula
Tags : AstroTrac TT320X-AG, Deep Sky Stacker, N.I.N.A., Nikon D5500, Optolong L eNhance filter, Starnet++, William Optics ZenithStar 73 II APO
Comments : 1
My best effort on the Great Orion nebula to date. Taken with the Zenithstar 73 telescope at 430mm/f5.9. The image is a big improvement over my recently captured image with the Tamron 100-400mm/f6.3. The new Optolong L-eNhance filter helped a lot with cutting out local light pollution in this most recent version too. I was chuffed to capture the trapezium cluster in the core of the nebula this time around. To get the maximum dynamic range I captured all of the shots at iso 100 on the modified Nikon D5500.
Image details: Modified Nikon D5500 and William Optics ZenithStar 73 II APO with 73a field flattener at 430mm / f5.9. 4 hours and 14 minutes of exposure time (127 x 120 seconds) at iso 100. Using Optolong L-eNhance filter. Tracked with unguided AstroTrac TT320X-AG. Stacked in Deep Sky Stacker with 20 dark / 40 flat / 40 bias frames. Sequenced with N.I.N.A.. Edited with Photoshop and Starnet++
Gorgeous! My favorite object. My photos are pitiful but I just bought a cheap locally made star tracker so hope to up my calibre. I use a cheap Bresser 90/500 refractor. But with the star tracker I was thinking I could get by by just using my Xiaomi 14 and long exposures (30 seconds to minutes).
Will check out all your work.