milky way tokina 11-16mm f2.8 190sec iso1600 at f4

The Milky Way

First attempt at shooting with the home made ‘barn door/scotch mount’ star tracker – I’m amazed how well it works!

This single 3 minute exposure was taken using a borrowed lens in the amazingly clear skies of the North York Moors. The detail shown in the shot at full resolution is amazing (click here for a larger view). The Tokina 11-16mm also worked extremely well. Much sharper and faster, with less distortion and vignetting than the Sigma 10-20mm.

I’m hoping a new ‘didymium’ filter/red enhancer I recently bought from eBay (for £15) will help bring out the nebulosity, while also combating light pollution at the same time. I’ll give it a try near my over illuminated home town in the nights ahead.

Details: Nikon D7000, Tokina 11-16mm f2-8 at 11mm and f4. Single 3 minute exposure at iso 1600. Tracked with barn door tracker.


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